Sunday, May 16, 2010

Finally 8

Timmy was excited about his 8th birthday party.  He invited 11 kids for a  party at the bowling alley - Cosmic Bowling with the disco ball, black lights, music and treasure hunt prizes.  He made his own invitations with bowling pins on the front, a shark on the back, and each kids named scrawled on the front. Come Friday, the night before the big day, there were 2 confirmations and 2 declines due to soccer games. I was hoping there will be at least 8 including Timmy since he said there were a couple more soccer kids and the rest said that they would be there. Well a total of three showed up. But with Zach and his friend Bo that made 6 total.  Timmy was oblivious or so it seemed.  He was just happy that it was his birthday, his best friend David was there and he was at the bowling alley.  I just had to relax and calm down and forget about all those parents who didn't RSVP.  I didn't start to relax until Craig suggested that we bowl too. As we bowled with shoes laces and white shirts glowing and the winning of treasure prizes I finally let go of all that anger.  Only to have it resurface later that night with silent sobs for my Timmy.  But he is the better person to not let those kids who missed out on a great time affect him.

Cosmic Bowling - Timmys best friend David bowling

 Timmy selecting Treasure Hunt Card

Zach and Timmy waiting to see if they won a Treasure

Product that takes the guesswork out of knowing who's cup is who's

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Still My Timmy

Our nearly 8 year old started ADHD meds last week after 3 years of elimination diets, behavioural schemes & omega-3 supplements. These methods help a bit but there was always something that didn't allow him to focus. He was always in 5th gear and loving life but his school work was progressivly lagging and his classmates growing weary. But putting him on meds has given him a new look on school work and he is still our fun loving Timmy.

We have definitely made the right decision which was substantiated by the grin of his teachers face as I picked him up that first nail biting day on meds.

A  fun product for fun mums;