Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ramblings from an 8 year old

Just got back from a holiday in the America.  Lots of recorded Timmy stories. 


  1. "Santa Claus is real but the Simpsons aren't real because there are no yellow people.  There are black and white people and tan people, which are like white people."
  2. "Pasta and pizza baby!" A phrase said over and over again throughout the whole holiday with conviction.)
  3. "Do you know where I came from?"
    What he asked the father of the kid he had been playing with all day while at Stone Harbor beach in NJ.
  4. "Holy Camole, Holy Camole!  Shouting from the top of his lungs while running in the house to inform everyone of the big shark caught by his Uncle Curry.
  5. "Mrs Smith is my fairy godmother, because she looks after me more than any other teacher."  Mrs Smith was his 1st grade teacher.
  6. I overhead a conversation at Splashdown waterpark between Timmy and a little Indian boy wearing a bathing cap covering his turban.  It started with a pointing finger;
Timmy;  "What's that?"
Indian boy;  "Its my religion"
Timmy; "Let me see!"
Indian boy;  "I can't get it wet"
Determined Timmy; "Get on the snake - then show me"  ..snake was floating in the middle of the pool.
Indian boy; "I can't show it to anyone"  ...yeah that finally satisfied Timmy's curiosities.

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